Salus mea pilot project – Vara municipality

We are very proud that our pilot projects with Vara municipality are getting attention in the local news. The project started in April 2020 in Vara municipality, where Age Labs introduced Salus mea, the first certified mobile telecare service in Europe.

Salus mea mobile telecare service has unique functions that create security for citizens by using a regular smartphone, tablet, or smartwatch.

Today, users are used to an alarm that only works indoors and only rings an alarm center. Salus mea offers functions such as an automatic alarm if you fall, to easily share your position, video calls, and many more useful functions directly to caregivers, relatives, or alarm center. These functions create safety, independence, and active participation in the community as the user can feel safe even outdoors.

We are grateful to be able to carry out this project, which is a collaboration with Vara municipality and Foxway. We are now all looking forward to contributing to the success of the project.

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